We spend a lot of time at the Calgary Zoo. for the money it's one of the best family attractions around, and we all love to be there. Lately I've found myself spending a lot less time watching the animals and a whole lot more time looking for other interesting things. Of course my kids are pretty interesting themselves. It never ceases to amaze me that they can yell and scream and fight with each other, and then all of a sudden they'll be playing together like the best friends in the world. It's …
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It was a very family day for us today... Swimming in the morning, Monopoly in the afternoon, Chocolate Pudding in the evening! I actually didn't plan to do a
Simply Sunday post today, but when the pudding came out I just had to photograph it. Food Photography is kind of fun, and when I see interesting food I often find myself reaching for a camera.
But even more than that, the Chocolate Pudding had a very crazy effect on my kids (go figure) and they both started to giggle and get crazy. …
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A photographer friend of mine recently came up with a really great concept to blog about something important to her on Sundays that she calls "
Simply Sunday". I love the idea and I plan to join her in the adventure as often as I can. I know I won't be able to do it every week, but I'm not going to worry about that either! I hope that you will consider joining us in this effort to. Whether you post something on your …
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The Adventures of Louise, Sean, Melanie, and Andrew. A Collection of Photos and Movies from our lives….