The forecast was for rain all day at home, so we checked the weather in the mountains and found out that it was going to be somewhat nicer even as close as Canmore, so we all piled into the van and headed out. We went to Canmore and did the Grassi Lakes hike, which is very easy. It was beautiful and it was a great start to our summer hiking season!
I was woken up to a wonderful fathers day breakfast (The Works! - pancakes, sausage, eggs, coffee) and a huge pile of arts and crafts and presents from my kids. Thanks to my wonderful family for all their love and support!
I borrowed a lens from Canon for the weekend because I wanted to test it out (* more about that at the end for those of you that care) and so I decided to make a stop at Nose Hill Park in Calgary today with the kids. I've been working some really crazy hours lately trying to get caught up on all of the projects I've got going and it was really nice to actually have some time to take a break!
The weather was pretty perfect for photography. It was a little bit sunny and a … Continue Reading ››
The Adventures of Louise, Sean, Melanie, and Andrew. A Collection of Photos and Movies from our lives….