When I was growing up one of my favorite things to do was play with Lego. And I had lots of it! Two massive industrial ice cream pails full of it. And I played with it all the time. My mother has managed to keep most of that Lego through all the years that I've been gone, even as the children of her friends and her older grandchildren have used it and loved it too.
The first thing that happens now when we visit their house is that the Lego is found and …
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My daughter Melanie received an Easy Bake Oven as a gift several years ago, but up until now she's really been too young to use it. But when we're in the middle of a major snow day and looking for something to do we tend to look for things that haven't been used for a while (or ever in this case). So the Easy Bake Oven came out today!
Melanie was able to read all the instructions and do almost all of the work herself. She was able to make a really nice batch of …
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Family time is important to use and we tend to do lots of things together as a family. Sometimes that means just hanging out around the house together on a lazy Sunday Morning. Melanie and Andrew love to build forts in the living room with the cushions from the couch. It usually ends up looking more like a big pile of cushions than a fort, but they still have lots of fun. Other times that means going for a long walk together at the park on a snow Sunday afternoon. Of course it's not always easy or …
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This will be a much more informative post than I normally write, where the message is more important than the photo. In fact, I only took the photo as an excuse to play with my
DIY Macro Studio and my lighting gear. This is important, so pay attention!
I recently suffered through that terrible sinking feeling that you only get when you slowly come to the realization that something has gone horribly wrong. Louise went into the office to use our old desktop computer and found only a black screen. Melanie had been playing a game on it …
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The Adventures of Louise, Sean, Melanie, and Andrew. A Collection of Photos and Movies from our lives….